Wednesday, September 26, 2007

#8 Make life "really simple" with RSS & a newsreader


At first I had no idea what I was doing, but then after going through some of the recommended tutorials, I quickly understood what it was and how it worked.

Bloglines - awesome! I can already see how it will save me time which is terrific. And adding feeds was really easy, a little too easy actually. At one point I looked at the list and told myself to get real, so deleted a few.

I can now predict that I will be more informed as I will no longer avoid the personal research due to the discouraging amount of time it sometimes takes to do. Now Bloglines has become my own personal - "Oi! check this out pronto!" alert. Nice one! Like it, like it a lot :)

Feeling smarter already! Ha! Take that nieces and nephews!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

#5 Discover Flickr

This activity was a little tricky for me, but with the help of a colleague, was back on track again - and this time with a new skill and increased blogging knowledge...Yaye! This blogging thing, is becoming a little less daunting and a little more addictive!

So, for those of you who are wondering who this chap is...this is a pic of Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God (picture taken by Janet7r), which I had the pleasure of meeting earlier this year at a movie and book event at the Astor Theatre.
He is a truly inspirational, witty and funny man who is proof that anything can happen as long as you are open to 'the anything'. I remember my first thoughts - 'he looks like Santa Claus!'. Well this modern day looking Santa has changed the lives of many, and generated many interesting conversations and groups world wide whether liked or not.
For those with youngsters, two great books to read out with amazing illustrations are "The little soul and the sun" and also "The little soul and the earth: I'm somebody!". I liked these two books so much that I thought they were worth owning ....and they also make great presents :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

#4 Register Your Blog

Well, obviously I've created the blog and registered it - otherwise you wouldn't be able to see it . Playing around with it is also making it easier to navigate through Blogger's menu as I am now remembering where I have to go to reach the link I'm after. Have to admit, it wasn't as "logical" as I thought it would be, but I'm learning how to get to where I want to go :)

Friday, September 14, 2007

#2 7 1/2 Habits

First of all, this is my first blog, and I'm still getting my head around it. But as the 71/2 habit says - it's all about "Play" which is what I'll be doing to learn more about blogging.

As for the discovery exercise, I'd have to say the easiest habit is #5: creating your life long learning toolbox. I always find it easier to stay motivated and finish what I've begun when I have all the tools around me to support me in the process. Also, when or if I think of piking the idea, I can't allow myself to do it because then all the preparation work would have been in vain, not to mention costly when purchasing books/ CDs/ stationery and enrolling in courses etc. So I just can't justify piking. I call it my "piking safeguard kit" but "creating your life long learning toolbox" works too - a little more diplomatic perhaps.

The hardest habit, is a combo of #6: use technology to your advantage and #7: Play!. Savvy with technology, I've learnt first hand that if you don't keep up with the latest innovations etc, you simply fall behind. Really the important thing here is to allow time in your life to 'play' with the new emerging technologies.

I have now joined the club of people who have children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews who are left thinking "what the?!" when these little techno geniuses reprogram your mobile phone with the latest cut songs for ring tones in just a few clicks; hook up the entire house and garage with a surround sound system from their laptop; and who listen to podcasts and movies on their ipods. I didn't think this would happen quite so soon, but alas it has - and my conclusion...they just have more time to play. But I'll show them! New technologies, bring it on - and by the way, I'm loving my new ipod - although they should have employed a librarian or information management expert to better design access to their menu system!